Decaf Now
- Enter an attorney code to get started on a debt certification course
- The course is long and boring but is required for people who have debt problems
- Those who have previously registered for a course can simply login with their username
The Decaf Now service offers two different course through a U.S. Trustee approved agency. What does DECAF stand for? “Debt Education & Certification Foundation (DECAF) provides credit counseling certificates as required before filing for bankruptcy and Debtor Education courses to be completed after filing”.
DECAF Now Comments
- Couples filing jointly can complete courses together, at no additional charge
- Cost? Credit Counseling (Pre-filing course): $50 (for individual or joint course) while Debtor Education (After filing course): $50 (for individual or joint course)
- Courses can be completed via phone or online
- When taking the course over the phone two languages are available… English and Spanish
- Certificates are immediately available upon completion of course requirements (no bothersome waiting for the certificate to processed and signed)
- These courses are required before one can file a bankruptcy case
- Course takers should have a general estimate of their annual income, monthly expenses and amount of money owed to creditors before starting the DECAF Now courses
- People taking the debtor education course are required to have their bankruptcy case number
- Certificates will only be issued to the person who completes the course and participate in the bothersome follow-up counseling session (yes these counseling sessions are required in order to obtain a certificate)
- Most people who complete the DECAF Now course should send a copy of their certificate to their attorney for safe keeping
Any questions about the DECAF Now service can be directed to a customer service agent at 1-866-859-7323 (counseling and Technical Support staff are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week) or those looking to reach the firm via US mail can write to: DECAF 112 Goliad Street Benbrook, TX 76126-2009.
Primary References